How SDC Scholarship Camps and Academies help you transform your entire youth organization.
An awesome way to improve basketball instruction.
$1000.00 in guaranteed private scholarships for every single player every single camp!
Improve basketball instruction, maintain quality control, provide guaranteed scholarships to families, and bring more money into your organization.Please be as thorough as possible so that we can get you all of the info and follow up most appropriately.

A note from SDC:

We get it. We get it. (We really do)
Then there is SDC Scholarship Camps:
(Don’t worry, we are not trying to sell you t-shirts or phony fundraising packages).
Truly dedicated to our youth:
Our Mission:
We have spent years dedicated to youth basketball development and we want to make a bigger difference – just as you do! We want your youth players to love this amazing game and learn to play the game at a higher level. This can only happen if players improve their skills. As they improve and learn to utilize new skills, everyone’s experience within your organization becomes more fulfilling. And everyone has more fun!
An awesome way to improve basketball instruction
$1000.00 in guaranteed private scholarships for every single player for every single 3-hour camp and every 8-night academy that they attend.

2) 3-Hour Scholarship Camps

SDC provides your organization with:
An awesome way to improve basketball instruction
$1000.00 in guaranteed private scholarships for every single player for every single 3-hour camp and every 8-night academy that they attend.
SDC Scholarship Camps Transform Your Youth Organization

- Improve basketball instruction for your entire organization, while providing additional ways for parents to save for college.
- Every youth player* can attend a total of 4 SDC Scholarship Camps or Academies per every calendar year. $4,000 toward tuition is the max that any youth athlete can receive per calendar year.
*Ages 5 to sophomore in high school.
#1 - Our Player Development Platform
More rewarding for coaches. More fun for kids. More enjoyable for parents.
(The Periodic Table of Basketball Skills!)
More fun at practice. Parents see more rapid improvement. Coaches access everything with 3 clicks.

Players absolutely need our visuals. They need the details. They need the techniques, assessments and progressions. They need our video.
In-season practices and at-home skill assignments.
The best player development model.
*Every single youth player receives $1000.00 in guaranteed private scholarships for every single 3-hour camp and every 8-night academy that they attend. *Ages 5 to sophomore in high school.

Master The Table… Master The Game!
2) 3-Hour Camps
3-Hour Scholarship Camps – ($67 per player)
15-30 players for 3 hours
Every 3-Hour SDC Scholarship Camp we provide you with all of the materials that you need and the perfect player development programming to keep the kids focused, engaged, and challenged.
Note: 3-Hour SDC Scholarship camps are designed for every level of youth player and can be used as a “kick off” to start the season and conducted quarterly throughout the entire year.

Your players will improve tremendously and have a ton of fun throughout 8-Night Academies.

8-Night SDC Scholarship Academies –
($295 per player)
12-20 players for 8-Nights
2x per week for 90 minutes per session
3 tiers of programming
Breakdown Moves
Advanced Scoring
SDC Scholarship 8-Night Academies are designed for players to graduate out of each level. Players should always start with 8-Night Fundamentals Academies. Graduate to Breakdown Moves Academies. Then move onto Advanced Scoring Academies. All the while, they are also earning and receiving guaranteed college scholarships and discounts off of their future college tuition.
As opposed to any other type of format, 8-Night SDC Scholarship Academies are the absolute best model for players and coaches. They are also the best value for parents. The 8-night programs are separated into 3 different tiers of skill instruction. It is designed more like martial arts (with basketballs!)
Each type of 8-Night Academy is curriculum driven with both the workouts and the homework assignments outlined day by day. Every skill throughout each workout builds onto the next, making for a very seamless and productive experience for both your coaches and players. The time frames for new skills to be presented and mastered are designed for every player to receive ample repetitions and feedback.
Immediately after each 8-Night SDC Scholarship Academy, supplemental 20-30 minute video skill homework assignments are delivered with one click from the coach to all of the players and parents.